Friday, January 29, 2010

Code for sending sms from C# using way2sms api

Before Write a code use the steps given below

1. Add Web References to your page.
In that web references page just type this "" in url optoin and click go

After Added that

2. use the name space Using com.spiritssoft.www

3. create a object for sending a sms
SendWay2Sms Objsms_send = new SendWay2Sms();

4.write the code given below here

Note: If you send to a single number just write the code what given here.If you want to send more than one person use comma(,) to seperate the numbers.

For sending one number:

String Strsms_result=Objsms_send.sendSmsSpiritsSoft("UserName", "Password", "Number", "message");

For sending more than numbers:

String Strsms_result=Objsms_send.sendSmsSpiritsSoft("UserName", "Password", "Number 1,Number 2,Number 3", "message");


Unknown said...

Hi.. nice one.. can u share the webservice code as well...

Unknown said...

if possible plz send the code to my email.. mujahidazam@gmail dot com